Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Ecstacy :: essays research papers

     Ecstacy is angiotensin-converting enzyme of the most addictive drugs expose today. more or less engrossrs of this addictive drug is either at a floorshow or on the course. "Nearly all of the first duration substance abusers 30% of those study fatal effects on the user (Cranford 12)" They end up ordinarily in a deep coma or they die. most(prenominal) users requirement ecstacy either because they heard of the mettlesome that they take hold of from the use, or they ar assay to impress their peers. They unremarkably get into deep side effects.      about legislation name calling for ecstacy at a club argon stake High, pungent Treat, G Squ bed, and BW3.      Some code names for ecstacy on the pathway are unremarkably Special Tab, Hidden High, Relax Tab and uncut Ride. The street version is way more potent than the club version. The one in the clubs are unremarkably either fake or not precis e strong. They usually dont give out a major dose, they usually sunder off the user by saying "this is the best mash you roll in the hay buy possible." Which is a major lie to the user, but he incisively needs that little high to calm his need of ecstacy at a low rate. nearly code names vary depending where you are in the coun testify or world. There are totally opposite names for ecstacy in new york and L.A.     Some side effects afterwards use of ecstacy are heart rate increases, blood pressure cant over rockets, and usually dosent trace down for a period of time. Vision develop a little distorted but the user righteous dosent reason that, they just need a little fix for the night to lease a little fun. The vision turns to about 20-75, they can still catch up with fine, they whitethorn ocasionally see a double vision. Theyfeel this effect as if they are sincerely light headed or just feeling really cockamamy at moments. That need of that same effect of the first time of use, usually gets that first time user hooked on the drug. They try to get a fix everytime they feel like they need a fix. That usually happens about 12-24 hrs. after each use. Thats for a periodical user. Most users dont corrupt the drug to often. " The user just needs that little spot of a high and dosent abuse but likes the effects of the major high (Richardson 15)." The user likes the feel of being in a high and dosent call for to come down from that.Ecstacy essays research papers      Ecstacy is one of the most addictive drugs out today. Most users of this addictive drug is either at a club or on the street. "Nearly all of the first time users 30% of those have fatal effects on the user (Cranford 12)" They end up usually in a deep coma or they die. Most users want ecstacy either because they heard of the high that they get from the use, or they are trying to impress their peers. They usually get into de ep side effects.     Some code names for ecstacy at a club are Game High, Tasty Treat, G Squared, and BW3.      Some code names for ecstacy on the street are usually Special Tab, Hidden High, Relax Tab and Rough Ride. The street version is way more potent than the club version. The one in the clubs are usually either fake or not very strong. They usually dont give out a major dose, they usually rip off the user by saying "this is the best stuff you can buy possible." Which is a major lie to the user, but he just needs that little high to calm his need of ecstacy at a low rate. Most code names vary depending where you are in the country or world. There are totally opposite names for ecstacy in new york and L.A.     Some side effects after use of ecstacy are heart rate increases, blood pressure sky rockets, and usually dosent come down for a period of time. Vision come a little distorted but the user just dosent mind that, they just need a little fix for the night to have a little fun. The vision turns to about 20-75, they can still see fine, they may ocasionally see a double vision. Theyfeel this effect as if they are really light headed or just feeling really dizzy at moments. That need of that same effect of the first time of use, usually gets that first time user hooked on the drug. They try to get a fix everytime they feel like they need a fix. That usually happens about 12-24 hrs. after each use. Thats for a periodical user. Most users dont abuse the drug to often. " The user just needs that little bit of a high and dosent abuse but likes the effects of the major high (Richardson 15)." The user likes the feel of being in a high and dosent want to come down from that.

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