Monday, November 11, 2013

Womens Rights

Running head: partake intercession of Wowork force Equal word of Women Trudy Glefke Ashford University HIS: 303 Instructor 08.20.2012 Equal Treatment of Women In the United severalizes the scrape for the by rights to vote began for women in the early 1830s and became intertwined with the shin to abolish slavery. In 1869 a rift developed among feminists wholly over the proposed 15th Amendment, which gave the vote to black men: approximately women believed that the amendment would prove their cause while others believed it would present a preen back. Although enoughity for women was implied in the 14th Amendment of 1868, most of the states continued to restrict or prohibit womens suffrage. (Flexner, 1996).The proposal for the nineteenth Amendment was first introduced in cozy intercourse in 1878. This proposed amendment remained a controversial issue for over 40 years. The political action of womens organizations and the service of women in dili gence during World War I resulted in the bridal of the 19th amendment on August 26, 1920. (Flexner, 1996). The 19th Amendment to the Unites States Constitution provides men and women with equal voting rights. The right to vote gave rise to many another(prenominal) changes. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
mod opportunities in the workforce, laws granting rights, and penalties to enforce the laws that granted the new privileges were all possible by the efforts of the womens suffrage movement. The 19th Amendment gave women the aptitude to seal their vote for the candidates of their choice in elections. This did not cope close to overnight, bu t took decades of dedication by many women ! devoted to the of women. The amendment states that the right of citizens to vote shall not be denied or contract by the United States or by any State on account of sex. (Rogers, 1992, p.2). The long and arduous journey for womens rights pave the way for women to venture from the household into the workplace. The enactment of the Equal protective cover acquit and provisions of Title seven of the 1964 Civil Rights Act were set...If you want to get a wax essay, order it on our website:

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