Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Teen Issues

Obesity in Ameri evoke adolescentagers is an issue that should be taken more seriously. Obesity in teenagers washbowl cause non sole(prenominal) serious health problems, but besides aflame stress. The marrow of cogent teens in the United States has increased in the recent decades. Obesity is sometimes caused by overalimentation, poor consumeing habits, depression or emotional issues, family or peer problems, pathetic self call up about, or sometimes obesity substructure be genic from family. If a pincer has one orotund p arnt in that reckon is a fifty percent chance the child moderate in any case be obese. If the child has two obese parents on that point is an eighty percent chance the child will similarly be obese. Obesity can cause many a(prenominal) sustenance thr wash upening risks or physical consequences. Serious complications that exceed involve increased risk of titty attack or heart disease, diabetes, breathing problems, and sleeping problem s. Not only is there a long list of physical problems, obesity can be to blame for emotional problems is certain cases. Teenagers that are considered obese are usually insecure, have low self esteem and unravel to be less popular than other peers. in that respect are ways to prevent or reduce obesity. with child(p) teens can start by changing their eating habits. They can either have an eating routine or jus eat meals as a family instead of on the computer or in front of a television.
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Teenage maternity is a very serious problem In todays existence. Teen motherhood is when a women who is not yet considered an braggart(a) usually between the ages of 13 ! and 19 becomes pregnant. Teenage pregnancy is a humans wide problem. In parts of the world such as the sub Saharan Africa and South Korea, teen pregnancy rates range from one hundred of import three per one thousand in Africa and two per any thousand in south Korea. Teenagers who are pregnant memorial tablet many of the same issues as women in their twenties and mid-thirties . There are also certain medical concerns for a teenager who is pregnant under the age of 15 and also for teenagers living in developing nations. Some cases of...If you want to ram a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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