Friday, November 15, 2013

Students' Rights and Teachers' Responsibilities Scenario

disciples? Rights and T separately(prenominal)ers? Responsibilities ScenarioThe School Board is the exclusive owner of all(prenominal) lump disciplinehouse building and any desk or locker utilized by any student contained therein or any other bea that may be set diversion for the individualise use of the students. Any teacher, principal, administrator, or tame surety check employed by the school board, having a fair(a) belief that the human beings school building, desk, locker, ara or movement contain any weapons, illegal drugs, alcoholic beverages, nitrate base inhalants, stolen goods, or other items, the school reserves the unspoiled to expect the students locker (Mczeal, 2004). Students energize the right to protection from unlawful attemptes and seizures of their personal possessions without bonny cause. In the event that reasonable cause is implicated, a student?s locker should be checked without the students? permission (Lafayette Parish Student H andbook, 2007-2008). A traditional view of the teacher is of person who dispenses knowledge. Someone who lectures, tell, feeds, and covers material. Teachers bump many hats: friend, counselor, judge, and mentor. They take on hundreds of polar sh ars for different classes. ane role that teachers take on is a protective role. Their commerce is non only to educate, but excessively to protect. Protecting students from other violent students, drugs, even themselves, is a role that teachers play every day. Teachers are leg solelyy responsible for each student at each times including while they are out of the board and the room is unattended, while they are extracurricular of the building, or on a field trip, while they are supervising physical education. Teachers are responsible for the safety of all students while under their care. A teacher?s righteousness is to make sure to appreciate proper administrators. Failing to do this may hold the teacher liable (Clark, 2005). T eachers should determine when it is necess! ary to.... This is a very reasonable essay, but the writer fails to take up that there are some very real and abrupt conflicts in this area. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
For example, what if a search is conducted without a students knowledge and the school discovers drugs, in a prescription bottle. Does the school have the right to confiscate these? What if the student is taking medication per a doctors instruction manual? Does the school have the right to restrict the students right to preserve doctors book of instructions? What if the doctors ins tructions are to take the medication as guideed? understructure the school argue that the student does not make to take the medication, or that the student moldiness build his actions with the school each time the student claims there is a need? And what is reasonable uncertainty? If Student A enunciates to the disposal that Student B has illegal materials in her locker, is that reasonable suspicion? What if the search turns up unexpected materials? For example, what if A says B has a hitman in her locker, and the search discloses birth control pills. Can/must the school notify Bs parents? To push students to report things, can the school offer some illuminate of pay to the students who snitch? In short, if the writer believes that these questions are all unyielding very simply, the writer is mistaken. If you want to get a serious essay, order it on our website:

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