Wednesday, November 13, 2013

ITC- A Success Story Symbiosis Institute of International Business

AcknowledgementI inclination to sincerely thank Professor Vivek Sane for having attached me the opportunity to work on the present report. Working on this report under the guidance of Professor Sane was a wonderful learning experience. The insights which I gained while working on it will surely help me in future to go and critically appraise the performance of a corporation. I should non proceed to acknowledge the constant support of my friends and batch join which do it possible for me to complete my figure. They helped me in every tremendous and splendid way to ensure that all major and squirt problems were work in the least time. To all of these people I wish to record my heartfelt gratitude. They transformed a project into a wholesome learning experience. Ruchir Vatsal41031MBA (IB) 2007-09. Index1Introduction41.1Background & adenosine monophosphate; History41.2ITC - One of India?s about worthy Corporations61.3The man behind the success- Y.C. Deveshwar72ITC ? busin ess Portfolio83FMCG ? Cigarettes93.1Cigarettes: yield potential93.2Synergy104Hotels114.1Hotels and Tourism Industry114.2ITC?s Hotel Business114.3Synergy125Paperboards, Paper and Packaging136Agri Businesses156.1Leaf Tobacco156.2Agri Commodity Business156.3e-Choupal: Strategic Thrust166.3.1Synergy177New FMCG Initiatives187.1Packaged Food197.2Lifestyle Retailing197.3 salutations, Gifting & axerophthol; Stationery208Performance219Portfolio Analysis2310Conclusion2511Bibliography261IntroductionITC is one of Indias maiden private sector companies with a grocery store capitalization of nearly US $ 18 billion and a overthrow of over US $ 4.75 billion. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by pr   ofessional writers!
ITC is rated! among the areas Best Big Companies, Asias Fab 50 and the Worlds Most sound-thought-of Companies by Forbes magazine, among Indias Most Respected Companies by Business World and among Indias Most Valuable Companies by Business Today. ITC as well ranks among Indias top 10 `Most Valuable (Company) Brands, in a study conducted by Brand Finance and published by the Economic Times. ITC has a diversified presence in Cigarettes, Hotels, Paperboards & ampere; Specialty Papers, Packaging, Agri-Business, Packaged Foods & Confectionery, Information Technology, Branded Apparel, greet Cards, Safety Matches and other FMCG products. While ITC is... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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