Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Geographic Info Systems

Q 1 : What type of maps , boundaries and data do you think requirement to be added to the presentation ? What type of analysis have you seen these components expend forDigital maps have been found as the quickest ones for visualizing a horror scenario . Through this map , certain important things like locations of wrong offense events , arrests , etc . fag end be ascertained or be boastinged . community attribute has been other form of data that need to be displayed on maps . Separate identifier could be use for slums , market-places , schools and colleges , parks , tearing light area , etc The umbrage contour stomach in addition be found to be effective in see some relation surrounded by a community characteristic and form of crime . separate mapping data could be roads and bus routes , hovictimization societie s and rea arguingic relationships between the neck of the woods and crimeQuestion 2 : The presentation showed a number of examples of law enforcement using GIS data .
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List another example of how this technology can be used in law enforcement GIS has been quite useful in identifying potential suspects so that the investigators could figure out every lead especially in those sequels when no breakthrough could be made with given list of evident . In case of serial offence , GIS helps in the investigation through the display of home addresses , work addresses and places practically frequented by the victim or the sus pects and which places could possibly be the! arduous link between the crime , suspect and the victim . style pattern of an individual can also be tag right...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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