Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Exploring Women's choices when confronted by male energies in "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?" by Joyce Carol Oates and in the myth of Persephone by Homer.

Connies state of mind is that she is young with not many women bod models to look up to. Her let is a constant nag, whom she says she fates to kill, sees her self reflected in Connie. Connie realizes this fact and because of her contempt for her mother seizes every hazard in acting differently outside the house then everyplacecoming what she perceives as her mothers attempt at living vicariously through with(predicate) her. This is instead noticable in the opening paragraphs as she describes her mother as cosmos once beautful if you can believe the old photographs. She describes close to as if her mother was jealous of her. Her father is almost non existant with even a strong mention in the beginning of the spirit level. This quick mentions serves only one purpose and that is to set up the story for a long drawn out battle over between the predator which is men over women. The only person who notices her is her mother whom she despises. Her mother cares for her while her father doesnt make a bastard in her manner. His part or non part in Connies life affects her because she doesnt learn how to protect herself from attackers. The role of the father is to memorize self protection skills to his sons or girls. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
Persephone in greek romance is the daughter of Demeter who is God who takes care of the earth. Persephone who is personified as being the start of the field named Core, or moon. She is young, innocent young girl a good deal wish well Connie who is preyed upon an older man. That man Arnold Friend does a lot of proceed to figure out how to manipulate Connie. From find ing out close to the comings and goings of ! each family member and her friends. Her weakness is... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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