Saturday, November 9, 2013


Background information: Diffusion means movement of a substance from a place with a high ducking to an ara with a low immersion of that substance. When two solutions having a different assiduity from each other argon slur by a semi-permeable membrane, acts on osmosis. There occurs a conk displacement of water system in the solution with the lowest concentration in the solution with the highest concentration. This reduces the concentration of the latter solution. Because there is in the solution with the lowest concentration of water leaving, increases the concentration of this solution. Osmosis is chief(prenominal) for the water management of all life-time organisms. In erect to the cells of living organisms, there is a semi-permeable membrane. Because the water through the holes, and the solutes stinker non find a place water transport. This may excessively increase the size of the cell. This also occurs when cells of tateres. Problem: How to flip-flop the continuance of the spud strips in different concentrations of NaCl in water? investigate question: NaCl solution, in which the word length of the spud strips are larger, and if it remains less than or equal? conjecture: The rods in a higher concentration of NaCl-solution, will shrink. The rods are greater if there is a low concentration of NaCl in it. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
When conditions in the potato strip and outside the analogous, remains the same potato strip. Material / Preparation: ? 1 flask of atomic publication 6 ml ? 1 test tube ? 6 test tubes ? 1 beaker of 250 ml ? 1 pipette of 10 mL ? 1 pipette ? 1 large potato ? 1 blade ? 1 ruler ? 6 ! labels Werkwijzer: 1. first I weigh 8 grams of salt on a scale showing a weighing paper. 2. Then I ingest the beaker with 250 ml with about 150 ml of distilled water. 3. I put the salt in the flask. Then I satisfy the flask with about 50 ml of distilled water, the flask should be shaken and then I filled it to the mark of nose candy ml. 4. Now I number the test tubes from 1 t / m 6. 5. Now, I fill the...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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