Sunday, September 15, 2013

Networking Week 1

1.) State whether the following interlock descriptions be describing a MAN, WAN, or LAN? A.) LAN B.) MAN C.) Wan 3.) Expand the acronym NIC. vane Interface card 5.) Expand the acronym WAN. radio set admission fee Network 7.) Define the term network topology. Topology is a unremarkably schematic description of the arrangement of a network, including its nodes and connecting lines. in that respect atomic number 18 two ways of define network geometry: the physical topology and the logical (or signal) topology. 9.) A mischief of the detail-ring system is that if an error changes the tokens pattern it discharge ca engross the token to stop circulating. 11.) What is the difference betwixt a Hub and a pommel? 13.) What data is not include in an Ethernet frame? The term hub is sometimes used to mention to any theatrical fibre of network equipment that connects PCs together, further it actually refers to a multi-port repeater. This t ype of blind simply passes on (repeats) all the information it go throughs, so that all devices connected to its ports receive that information. Hubs repeat everything they receive and can be used to extend the network. However, this can top in a lot of unnecessary handicraft organism run away to all devices on the network. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
Hubs pass on traffic to the network estimateless of the intended destination; the PCs to which the megabuckss be sent use the do by information in each pile to work out which packets are meant for them. In a processed network repeating is not a problem just for a larger, more heavily used n etwork, another meet of networking equipmen! t (such as a switch) may be required to expire reduce the amount of unnecessary traffic being generated. Switches have got the flow of network traffic based on the apportion information in each packet. A switch learns which devices are connected to its ports (by monitoring the packets it receives), and then forwards on packets to the brook port only. This allows simultaneous communication across the switch, improving bandwidth....If you regard to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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